In the early days of the industrial revolution, a secret society of sandwich artisans existed. It was known as The Order of The Toasted Pickle. This was a group of ambitious and daring rebels who pushed their craft, developing distinct twists on classic sandwich recipes. Tragically, with the advent of the microwave, their recipes were lost in a whirlwind of processed pandemonium.
But now, after all these years, our dedicated culinary craftsmen have unearthed their eclectic mix of edible oddities and savory classics for everyone to enjoy. This isn't just another "sandwich shop". No sireee... This is an experience that will put a smile on your face, a hop in your step, and a tingle on your tongue—always served with a pickle on the side! Because as Papa Zeke always used to say, "If you ever find yourself in a pickle, eat your way out."